Christopher Clover, CEO of Panorama named Honorary President of new real estate association, LPA
Christopher Clover, owner and Managing Director of Panorama, Honorary President in recognition to his flawless professional career in real estate sector in the Costa del Sol for over 50 years.
· 6 min. read

- Table of contents
- Christopher Clover, named Honorary President of new Real Estate Association, LPA.
- Presentation of the LPA
- New Alliance of Real Estate Agencies Aims to Influence Urban Planning for Enhanced City Living
- About LPA Spain:
Christopher Clover, named Honorary President of new Real Estate Association, LPA.

Real estate agencies come together to create LPA, the first real estate association on the Costa del Sol, appointing Christopher Clover, owner and Managing Director of Panorama, Honorary President in recognition to his flawless professional career in real estate sector in the Costa del Sol for over 50 years.
The Leading Property Agents of Spain (LPA) has set itself the goal of excellence in the promotion and development of residential tourism.
Likewise, the organization will ensure the maintenance of a code of good practice in the sector.
Presentation of the LPA
Marbella, Tuesday July 21th 2020:
Promoters and real estate agencies based in Malaga and Cádiz join forces to create the first association of the sector on the Costa del Sol, the Leading Property Agents of Spain (LPA). The entity was created with the double objective of promoting the Costa del Sol as a highly qualified destination for residential tourism on the one hand, and to revalue the role of real estate agencies in the implementation and development of residential tourism on the other. To do this, the LPA will scrupulously ensure compliance with the deontological code and ethical principles of the professional activity of its partners, in order to offer a personal and professional service of the highest quality.
The organization was presented this Tuesday by its president, José Carlos León (Nvoga), the honorary president Christopher Clover (Panorama), the vice president Fausto Martínez (FM Consulting) together with the mayoress of Marbella, Ángeles Muñoz. This association includes among its members some of the leading companies and leaders in the real estate sector on the Andalusian coast. Thus, apart from the above mentioned companies, Diana Morales Properties, Lucía Pou, Gilmar, Casa Marbella, Villa Marketing, Drumelia, Nevado, and Banús Property are some of the agencies that will form part of the association’s administrative body. The law firm of Pérez de Vargas assisted with the creation of this new association will assume the role of treasurer and secretary. The honorary presidency will go to Christopher Clover Holzworth, in recognition of his impeccable professional career for 50 years on the Costa del Sol through his agency Panorama.
An initiative of the Andalusian Government

As explained by its founders at a press conference, the association is ahead of the regulation of the Mandatory Registry of Real Estate Mediators, an initiative of the Andalusian Government to ensure good practice in the sector. The registration was already contemplated in the regulatory regulations of the Right to Housing (Law 1/2010 of March 8, provision eight), and was later also included in the Law that regulates the right of first refusal and retraction in evictions of homes in the region (Law 1/2018, of April 26).
The sector regulation decree, already submitted to the public exposure process in 2019, is still pending approval, so the association will work to make this regulation a reality as soon as possible. “The situation of the professional real estate sector in Spain requires an urgent change, our industry has experienced difficult times with many ups and downs and specifically in Marbella we have undergone a stage that we all want to erase, hence the need to look at other countries where this profession is regulated and works in a more orderly and transparent way”, explained León. The president of the new association also wanted to highlight the efforts of the associated companies to constitute “a work platform that will act as an interlocutor with the authorities and other associations with the aim of seeking excellence in our industry”.
In this sense, the LPA will seek to promote and improve communication with public administrations in matters related to the Costa del Sol holiday and residential tourism sector, being aware of its importance as an economic engine of the area. “The creation of the LPA is not only a historical milestone, but it is essential for our city and for the Costa del Sol, since it is essential that we collaborate to conserve and improve high-end residential tourism that, together with vacation tourism , are the main sources of wealth in our area” said Clover. And he pointed out that the organization will carry out this work, “offering highly qualified professional services, and in turn, a framework of legal security in urban planning that is being configured by the current municipal corporation”.
New Alliance of Real Estate Agencies Aims to Influence Urban Planning for Enhanced City Living
The new collective of real estate agencies aspires to become a relevant actor in the approval procedures for land-use planning and urban planning instruments. As stated in their statutes, there will always be contributions aimed at improving the existing facilities and equipment or promoting the implementation of new ones, in order to increase the endowments of cities to make them more habitable and consumer friendly.
Continuous and quality training for associates will be another of the elements highlighted in the LPA, in order to strengthen that presence as an indispensable actor in the construction sector, always under a strict code of conduct and professional ethics that associates undertake to fulfill. The association will give seminars and conferences on different perspectives of the real estate and urban development world, so that its members can offer excellent information and advice to its clients. “Training is key for companies in times of change”, emphasized Martínez, “and we have a golden opportunity for the LPA to help its associates to centralize training efforts and thus enhance new skills and new knowledge in their human teams, in addition helping people with more responsibility to manage and lead the change towards business models that are much more in line with the so-called ‘new normality’”.
About LPA Spain:
Web page:
Governing Body:
HONORARY PRESIDENT: Christopher Clover, Panorama
PANORAMA, Christopher Clover
DIANA MORALES, Mariano Beristain
CASA MARBELLA, Wolfgang Schlesier
DRUMELIA, Sergey Sinichkin
Published by: Marie-Noëlle Comunicación