Gonzalo Ruiz

Administration Director

Gonzalo Ruiz was born in Marbella and has a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics with specialization in Business Managing and Administration by the University of Málaga and has a postgraduate certificate of Auditors from the same University.

His career has been mostly based in the Costa del Sol from Sotogrande to Marbella, having advised clients from many diverse activities, including, of course, our central area of activity: Real Estate.

Gonzalo was Managing Director of the biggest telecom company in Marbella and before that he had been moving around the world working like an auditor in Moscow for two years. He speaks English, Spanish, and some Russian.

Gonzalo’s strengths are in his intimate knowledge of accounting and fiscal matters, as well as his sincerity and kindness with all the members of the Panorama staff, in helping them in any way he can.